Thursday, December 30, 2010

Abandoned blog of mine

Sorry yeah,guys!
I know I'm a irresponsible blogger :(
it's because of my PC is still not working for internet.
that's why when I get to surf net,definitely,I'm going for FB or twitter or something else. I won't blog.
Hmm,time flies,time really flies.
It's end of this year already,school's going to reopen in no time. And the thing is,I'M NOT READY YET!
I'm so fuckin' nervous. IDK how am I going to school on the first day. With ma new hairstyle?
It's 2a.m. now. My eyes are giving me a hard time,parents is asking me to sleep (weird,how do they know I'm still awake?),but I insist to blog. Is this touching? Awwww.

Sorry,sweetheart. I've been treating you bad these days. Just don't know why,I feel like making fun of you,teasing you ROFL!!! hahhaaa,but don't worry,I still love you. Awww.

I've been spending tons of time with you during this holiday. But I'm starting to miss you right now,weird huh. hahaaaa! Love ya,mua.

I really missed those days. Hmm,can we just go back to primary school and be a standard 1 student? hahahaa! I know this sounds crazy,but I really wanted to.

To:All my babes and gay friends (I always call my male friends as gay friends)
Have a nice day,before next year comes! And I love you!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I've had enough.


I've had enough. Seriously,I'm so sick of it already. Okay,I've thought about your feelings. But you didn't did the same thing for me. So,is it unfair?
This is torturing me,every single day,I've been thinking and worrying.
I didn't told you so,because I don't want you to be worry and think that I'm so troublesome.
Yesterday,I've been forced by you,and then I burst out everything. What is your respond? 'This is what you called caring about my feelings?'
I was so freaked out,so pissed off,I'm so sick of it.
If what you thought was 'this is no big deal',then I could be speechless about it.
Do you know how much that I hope to XXXXXXXX!?
I've thought of your difficulties,I decided to give up this hope of mine.
I don't expect much actually,but at least just a 'thanks'? Or 'that so nice of you',will just do the trick. But none of this kind of words came out from your mouth. Even worse,you said something that would make my heart broken.
I really had no direction anymore. Some love and care from you? NEVER.
I may be exaggerated a little bit for you readers,but for me,it is such a big deal.
What should I do now? Die?
I just wished that you can care about me,my feelings. Not just yourself.
My results,I've tried my best to score the highest mark. But I didn't succeed.
I studied hard,if you don't believe,you can ask all these from my friends.
I'm sure that you'll be satisfied with the answer. I ain't lying.
According to my results,I know,it's awful. And it's hard for me to maintain in the same class.
I was thinking,why should I be so hardworking? You care about my bad results,keep insulting me,but you will just ignore even if I had good results.
So,what I was thinking is,why should I be so hardworking on a stupid 'project'?
It is really giving me a hard time. Just received a phone call from you,I feel like crying so much.
To be honestly,I've never been so down before.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Dear friends! Went to Pavillion with Babe Lydia,Jiamin,Biwen,Junyi and Kahfai!
It's an awesomeeeee one! :D
First,we gathered at Junyi's house,and his mum fetch us to Pavillion.
Bought the tickets for Let me in,okay,actually it's Biwen and my idea to watch this show,please don't blame me okay? Hahahahaaa! I thought it's a ghost movie,but unfortunately,it's a horror and gross one! This movie is 18PG,and it's a relief to know that we actually bought those tickets. Because Jiamin and I were standing outside,and let Junyi,Kahfai and Biwen do that buy-ticket-job. :D Terrified. I do regretted. D:
I'm so scared when I'm alone in my room,so I decided to sleep in my parents' room. Teehee.
Okay,back to the topic. After we arrived Pavillion,meet up with Lydia.
UNIQLO! Bought mickey mouse t-shirt. For the girls,we bought all the same colour and size,for me,it's very long. For the boys,they chose their shirt,and it's mickey mouse too,we promised to wear it together for the next time we hang out together. :)
Some pics here! Hope you can enjoy this post.
Okay,let me talk a little about this movie. The girl is a vampire or something. And I thought vampires is elegant,but until I watched this movie. I changed my mind,they're gross!! They're like human-eaters. It's like a creature or something. What I can say is gross,and it's kinda like a love story. So,look at the bright side,it's not that creepy anymore :D
Lydia,and her delicious japanese crepes. We went all the way from the food court to this shop just for this. Quite crazy,huh.


Camera shy Jiamin and Cute Biwen!
Hey,this is what we call it a day!
And after the movie,went Snowflakes just for Lydia. :D
Hey,folks,I'll blog more next time.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Last day of school. Kinda sad. It's like the last day of me in this school? I guess not? Oh well,who knows,maybe yes,maybe no. Holidays..I think I'll be damn bored without my beloved friends. I think I'll miss YUAN BIAN the most. hahaha! 'Cause she's really very special,sometimes she's adorable,and sometimes she hateful.

Okay,a random post here.
Just visited a female blogger's blog. Whoa,she's like a story maker or something. She sure did exaggerate all the 'touching stories' of hers. Like a movie or something like that. hahaha! She likes to imitate others,huh? Sighs,this is the world,people. The thing is,she thinks her life is darn glamorous,and she thinks everybody would envy that. In fact,stop showing off how good was your life,everyone should have some privacy. I mean just don't be so obvious like,you're camwhoring because you want everyone to know how nice your clothes are,how materialize you are. Okay,stop discussing her.

Talk about love,ba-be.
I love you doesn't means that I will give you my love forever.
I think I should stop right now,by giving it to the others.
Date him,or not,date him or not!? Headache!
He asked me out. ODOKE!?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's going to be another year (2011) in no time! I hadn't planned anything yet. My result sucks,my life sucks! To be honest,I hate myself,I hate my life. I mean,what's the point of living?
No friends that will appreciate what I had done,even though when I'm down or moody,they still feel like laughing their ass out. The thing is I'm so sick of it,totally sick of it! Every time when we started a fight,what they thought of is,IT'S ALL MY FAULT. FML! Not to say that I dislike them,in fact,I hate them!
I felt so helpless.
My results sucks like shit! Although everyone said it's not that bad,but my opinion for my own results is,WHAT A SHIT. A few a's for me only,I expected for more,actually. Science and Maths,3 marks to A. I hate myself! I wonder if I had those 3 marks,I won't be so down right now. I want to graduate now,this instant! I had C for my chinese. I know you guys will think that I'm such a failure. My paper1 is normal,but my paper2 isn't. Paper1=32/40,Paper2=32/60
I'd tried my best,I already wrote about 1000 words for my essay,but I guess I'm not that good to deserve an A.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A nice day (:

Hmmmm,how should I start this post? It's about a day in primary school to have some fun since it's Children's day! Met some standard 6's cuties and teachers. *grins* (but some of the students seem like they hate us or what,showed that LC look of theirs) And then,I was like,'SAI MM SAI OH!?'
After enjoying all the shows,we felt bored,and we decided to have our breakfast (all of us haven't take our breakfast) Went to mamak,I ordered a bowl of maggie,but after it is done,I don't feel like eating it anymore *sob* Just after a little while,Darren joined us. He kept laughing at what I said,and IDK what's wrong with him *laughs*
Yeah,breakfast's over,time to rock! Went back to our primary school and have some fun. Called Kahfai to go to Mcd with us,since he's in Orange playing,we called him to go back asap. LOL. Kahfai,Lydia,Regina and I walked to Funok,and great,it's still on the 'close' board. Oh well,we decided to walk back and go to Mcd *giggles*
That very first plan of ours is take a cab and go home (Kahfai and I),but at last Lydia's mum fetched me home,and so do Kahfai's mum (:
I really wish that this year isn't going to end,forever. I had a lot of fun everyday except a few bad-day-cases.
with lots of love,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ah..give me a break.

I'm having the final test now. FML,stressed than ever. Today's subject is Maths,okay,I hate maths actually,but mum always force me to do all the activities in every book she bought. Phew,give me a break! I've succeed shooting 5 questions out of 7! LUCKY ME~
I wrote almost 900 words for my chinese essay. It's not easy to do that actually,but I just didn't done that on purposely *no offence* After I've done all of my essays,I realized I've already written too many nonsense. LOL!
Grandma finally landed on yesterday midnight. Oh,I've been missing for her like ages ago! (it's actually 3 months) Science is next. Gotta go,buh-bye.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy birthday,daddy!
10/10/10 is going to be a lucky day of yours and everyone *smiles*
Had dinner with family @SushiZen. Okay,it's a darn bloody full one.
We had a little celebration on the other day.

Does this consider a candid picture? *laughs*

I hate rare fish meats! But many of you guys love this a lot right?

Why is mum doing this pose over and over again? Weird..

OMFG! This baby shoe has a cute teddy bear on top of it!
So adorable!!! awwww..

Okay,and btw,I haven't bought the tickets yet. If you're doing online booking
you must have a credit card,and that's why I haven't bought it yet.
Both of my parents doesn't know I'm going to JYJ's showcase,if they do
they'll chop me into pieces man. FML. So,yeah,it's kinda getting on my nerves now,
more than that bloody final test. LOL!
So...wish me luck! I really wish I'll get to have those tickets,so badly.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

JYJ 得票很难买了,我帮你们买,只要你们陪我去都不行吗?
有一个更GENG,本来约了我跑去跟另一个男生去 -,-
如果有人看到我的BLOG想去的话,请留言 (虽然机会渺茫)
他们真的真的很难得来马来西亚,我为了没买到票而吃不安,睡不安 :(

Monday, October 4, 2010


Friday, October 1, 2010


Abandoned blog. I want to share a bad news here,someone,which is a so-not-close friend just backstap me and said that I use to hang out with a friend of mine,and said without my friend,I'm so not popular,not to mention popular but at least the others know that I'm studying the same school with them. I was like 'hey,listen. we're not even close friends,you don't have the right to say about me.' And I heard from my another close friend that she hates me and jealous of me. WTH!? What's her problem now!? Well,I'm not very close with her even we're classmates last time,and she told my friend that she's darn close with me. Obnoxious huh? She's such a riot!! I even quarrel with my friend. FML. Right,we're studying different schools now,but she's still talking about me. LOL. Why can't she just shut her fucking mouth and study!? (since she's a nerdy) She's trying to be like a LA-LA big sister,and she's not even close to it! *winks* Oh so what..slap me on the face punk,you can't do anything with it,you started it first. *my face shows up a devilish grin* Okay,seems like this post is not random at all,it's all about my obnoxious friend.

JYJ's coming live to Malaysia! I'm so confused whether what am I thinking,GO OR NOT. It's really getting on my nerves,I'm about to go crazy! It's really meaningless if it's just 3 of them in a group,but I bet I will change my mind if all of them are coming. *smiles*
Heard from the cassies that their still settling the lawsuit,if it's okay,Yunho will join JYJ,this is what she said. But apprently,I can't go and enjoy. *cries* but I bet I will think about it again and again. Plus,those ticket payment are killing me man! They're more than expensive,I still have many things to spend my money on and they're obviously urgent. That's all for today! Buh-bye,see you when I'm back from my hometown,Ipoh. :D

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ma blog is shooo dead,updates!

Gathering with Mak,Junyi,Rainey,Cheyenne and Lydia. Most of them didn't change much *smile*
At first,we planned to watch Piranha,but then they check our IC you know,then forced to watch OLD COW VS TENDER GRASS. OMFG,this is the most fucking boring movie I've ever watched. It ends after an hour we got in!
Pffft,nothing much to say.
Those boys are really very retardants!
After watching that super bored movie,those boys went to Junyi's house and without informing us! FML. Dude,do you know how it feels? LOL
Mum fetch us home after her facial appointment,and Lydia followed us for dinner at Nihon Kai. Some pics coming,so stay tuned.

love this much!



Yucks,my face is darn chubby!

Sorry yeah,ma blog is dead for a couple weeks?
I'll blog more next time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Awwww,i miss you,like so badly.

Please realised that I'm missing you right now. And I feel that I've been humiliated,by myself! LOL,dating with other guys? Nah. Just very confused should I date with him. Oh well,I think I should,just like friends will be just fine,am I right? HAHAHAA. Okay,this is not funny,and this is no joke,people! Whenever I think of him,I was like seriously frustrated. LOL. NEXT TOPIC! Which is my next FB profile pic? LMAO.
okay,back to the first topic. Last Sunday,went Neway with beloved Lydia,and I cried a lot that day. Every song I'm singing were like out of tune! I make up my mind,me and you,friends? *warm smile*
I know,I'm not your type of girl,but at least I'm still a 'lil sis' for you? I loved the way you care about me,like I'm actually your lil' sister or daughter. Pffft.

Third topic.
These days,Xuannie had been a good girl. She's passing up all her homework and projects. I think teacher is satisfied this time,if not,bullshit! I'm doing all these homework,and passed up all of them,which is a thing a won't do last time. But seems like Pn.Maria (BM teacher) is not satisfied with me and my crew. [She's checking the homework we just passed up,and she realised that my group didn't pass up any homework of hers. And guess what she said,'Ah,biasalah,memang tak hantar buku.' and I was like so freaked out! The fact is,we pass up the work earlier than the whole class were.] FML.
I'm so excited about our new classmate! He's studying with us next Monday. And I can't wait to meet him! TEEHEE. *yeah,yeah,I'm a flirty person,I know*
And I did heard from our class monitor that he likes to 'ponteng',and he's definitely a bad student.
LOL,I thought he's a noobie. FML.

Okay,that's all for today.
I'll blog more next time,buh-byeee! :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

an awesome new boy band.


this boy band is so talented!

not like those very-good-looking and nice bodies boy band.

(BEAST is an example,BEAST's lover please forgive me to say that :D,maybe what you like of BEAST is unlike me)

Now,finally,the most talented boy band (except TVXQ *laughs*) is given to....drum-roll please!!


although they're not very good-looking and owns a nice bodies,but at least they're well-prepared enough? Unlike other new boy bands,Infinite acts like as if they've been idols for years!


I'm not very sure whether they're a new band or not,if I'm mistaken please inform me,thanks *grins*

I'll blog more next time.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Why am I so emo nowadays?
All my friends say so,although I didn't admit that.
Finally solved the problem between me and my friends,I just told them,what you dislike in me,or you hate my behaviors,just tell me.
Be frank is always better than backstap right?
I hate friends that will talk abut my bad words behind me,or some of them just pissed me off man! They were like after I finished what I said,and they dislike it,they just whisper in front of me! Jeeshh,hello,a little respect here?
So,what I do is be frankly with them and ask them to say the truth.
OMG,a super duper fresh thing I heard is they say I like to flirt or something like that.
I was like,'huh,that's what you wanna say?'
I asked many people like am I a flirty person or not,their answer is no. I asked her why did she think that I'm a person like that,she say I used to be very crazy when I'm with them,and she said,I'm very shy when I'm with all those boys and some not-very-close friends.
OKAY,I post this is not I wanna quarrel whatever,is just that I wanna share this 'fresh' news to all of my friends (: to the girl that I'm talking about:please don't misunderstand ya. And last,I'm very happy that we're able to be friends again *smiles*

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Carnival day+outing with friends

Honestly,the carnival at our school isn't that fun as I thought and imagine.
If I'm not mistaken,Lydia and I ate pizza for our breakfast.
Then,had the a cup of bubble milk tea,too sweet I think? *giggles*
Went to support our class' game and A class' games.
I've met many old friends and other-school-friends *laugh stupidly?*
Right after the carnival,Cheyenne,Lydia and Jiamin came to my house and wait for me,until I've done bathing and doll up myself.
I don't even know what should I wear,so they suggested many clothes of mine.
But I kinda rejected them? *laughs*
Later,we called for a cab to send us to Times Square.
Okay,nothing much to shop,running out of time.
So,what we did is fooling around...HAHAHA!
Cheyenne and Jiamin were surprisingly chatting the whole day! (they used to be 'strangers' as I thought?)
Jiamin's mum fetch me and Cheyenne back home.
Once again,we DIDN'T ditched Lydia at Starbucks,we've been forced to go back,and she's been forced to stay and wait for her family for dinner. So,no choice!
That's our day

Do y'all feel like why my right eye is a bit of weird? Okay,admit it,I did did something to it. HAHA. As y'all know my eyes is weird,one is bigger than the other one,or should I say one is smaller than the other one?
Like this loads!!!!

Awwwwww,obviously she's more skinny and taller than me *sob*
and I look like a-totally-ATHLETE!
I did the same thing as the first pic with this pic *teehee*

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Okay,I'll just say it out loud for now.
Please,this is my blog,what I post about is none of your business and please don't ask about my 'love' things.
I'm so jealous with you,I learned that 'game' for so many years,and still I'm not the main player. And you,the new one,manage to be one of them. How could this be? The other players were like 'tsk,tsk.. you're the old ones still can't make it in the team.'
Although i didn't indicate what am I saying,but I guess you guys know what am I saying.
Some of 'them' like to stalk us,but nevermind,if they are really that desperate for my post,let them be!
Actually I really wanna give up,but if I don't go for training,.......(something will happen)

okay,that's all for today. btw,today I just went to Times square with Cheyenne,Lydia,Jiamin. We did had a great time.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Went to Leisure Mall with Lydia for a movie called 借室还魂
It's not very scary,honestly.
After the movie,we went to Gilly Cafe for lunch
I love this! Thanks,Lydia.

Checking out Y.G and epop.
Oooooo,serious Lydia and I.

Bought this blusher from Majorlica Majorca.

with Lydia,XOXO

Had a great day with Lydia at many places. *smiles*
At first her sista drive us to Pavillion. Then,we're bored of shopping at Pavillion,so what we did is walk to Times Square! What a foolish thought!
After a long way to Times Square (we haven't arrive yet),I finally can't take it anymore,we take a cab and straight away headed to Times Square and guess what,it only spend us a few bucks!
After a few hours at Times Square,we're bored. Then to Sungai Wang,shop for clothes. Fine,I didn't buy anything at Sungai Wang,all that stuff isn't what I want.
Went for 大头贴. The most annoying thing is we were both wearing lens! (that's why all my pictures have a very very big pupil)
Okay,I look obviously fat in this outfit. Lydia looks very sporty,and I'm too girly,I think.

When we're about to go home *still in a very excited mood*

Awwwwwww,I miss these.

after drinking this,coffee latte,i feel very dizzy and stomach ache!

credits to:Lydia

Sunday, July 18, 2010

finished editing all my blog stuffs!

hope y'all will like my new blogskin!

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Thursday, June 24, 2010

went to Neway with sis during holidays.
we had a great time?

i know why she won't let me take any photos, because she didn't wear any make up!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

a day at chinnwei's house.

sorry,i'm too lazy to type a word.
went to estine's house with Jiamin.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Abandoned blog of mine

Sorry yeah,guys!
I know I'm a irresponsible blogger :(
it's because of my PC is still not working for internet.
that's why when I get to surf net,definitely,I'm going for FB or twitter or something else. I won't blog.
Hmm,time flies,time really flies.
It's end of this year already,school's going to reopen in no time. And the thing is,I'M NOT READY YET!
I'm so fuckin' nervous. IDK how am I going to school on the first day. With ma new hairstyle?
It's 2a.m. now. My eyes are giving me a hard time,parents is asking me to sleep (weird,how do they know I'm still awake?),but I insist to blog. Is this touching? Awwww.

Sorry,sweetheart. I've been treating you bad these days. Just don't know why,I feel like making fun of you,teasing you ROFL!!! hahhaaa,but don't worry,I still love you. Awww.

I've been spending tons of time with you during this holiday. But I'm starting to miss you right now,weird huh. hahaaaa! Love ya,mua.

I really missed those days. Hmm,can we just go back to primary school and be a standard 1 student? hahahaa! I know this sounds crazy,but I really wanted to.

To:All my babes and gay friends (I always call my male friends as gay friends)
Have a nice day,before next year comes! And I love you!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I've had enough.


I've had enough. Seriously,I'm so sick of it already. Okay,I've thought about your feelings. But you didn't did the same thing for me. So,is it unfair?
This is torturing me,every single day,I've been thinking and worrying.
I didn't told you so,because I don't want you to be worry and think that I'm so troublesome.
Yesterday,I've been forced by you,and then I burst out everything. What is your respond? 'This is what you called caring about my feelings?'
I was so freaked out,so pissed off,I'm so sick of it.
If what you thought was 'this is no big deal',then I could be speechless about it.
Do you know how much that I hope to XXXXXXXX!?
I've thought of your difficulties,I decided to give up this hope of mine.
I don't expect much actually,but at least just a 'thanks'? Or 'that so nice of you',will just do the trick. But none of this kind of words came out from your mouth. Even worse,you said something that would make my heart broken.
I really had no direction anymore. Some love and care from you? NEVER.
I may be exaggerated a little bit for you readers,but for me,it is such a big deal.
What should I do now? Die?
I just wished that you can care about me,my feelings. Not just yourself.
My results,I've tried my best to score the highest mark. But I didn't succeed.
I studied hard,if you don't believe,you can ask all these from my friends.
I'm sure that you'll be satisfied with the answer. I ain't lying.
According to my results,I know,it's awful. And it's hard for me to maintain in the same class.
I was thinking,why should I be so hardworking? You care about my bad results,keep insulting me,but you will just ignore even if I had good results.
So,what I was thinking is,why should I be so hardworking on a stupid 'project'?
It is really giving me a hard time. Just received a phone call from you,I feel like crying so much.
To be honestly,I've never been so down before.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Dear friends! Went to Pavillion with Babe Lydia,Jiamin,Biwen,Junyi and Kahfai!
It's an awesomeeeee one! :D
First,we gathered at Junyi's house,and his mum fetch us to Pavillion.
Bought the tickets for Let me in,okay,actually it's Biwen and my idea to watch this show,please don't blame me okay? Hahahahaaa! I thought it's a ghost movie,but unfortunately,it's a horror and gross one! This movie is 18PG,and it's a relief to know that we actually bought those tickets. Because Jiamin and I were standing outside,and let Junyi,Kahfai and Biwen do that buy-ticket-job. :D Terrified. I do regretted. D:
I'm so scared when I'm alone in my room,so I decided to sleep in my parents' room. Teehee.
Okay,back to the topic. After we arrived Pavillion,meet up with Lydia.
UNIQLO! Bought mickey mouse t-shirt. For the girls,we bought all the same colour and size,for me,it's very long. For the boys,they chose their shirt,and it's mickey mouse too,we promised to wear it together for the next time we hang out together. :)
Some pics here! Hope you can enjoy this post.
Okay,let me talk a little about this movie. The girl is a vampire or something. And I thought vampires is elegant,but until I watched this movie. I changed my mind,they're gross!! They're like human-eaters. It's like a creature or something. What I can say is gross,and it's kinda like a love story. So,look at the bright side,it's not that creepy anymore :D
Lydia,and her delicious japanese crepes. We went all the way from the food court to this shop just for this. Quite crazy,huh.


Camera shy Jiamin and Cute Biwen!
Hey,this is what we call it a day!
And after the movie,went Snowflakes just for Lydia. :D
Hey,folks,I'll blog more next time.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Last day of school. Kinda sad. It's like the last day of me in this school? I guess not? Oh well,who knows,maybe yes,maybe no. Holidays..I think I'll be damn bored without my beloved friends. I think I'll miss YUAN BIAN the most. hahaha! 'Cause she's really very special,sometimes she's adorable,and sometimes she hateful.

Okay,a random post here.
Just visited a female blogger's blog. Whoa,she's like a story maker or something. She sure did exaggerate all the 'touching stories' of hers. Like a movie or something like that. hahaha! She likes to imitate others,huh? Sighs,this is the world,people. The thing is,she thinks her life is darn glamorous,and she thinks everybody would envy that. In fact,stop showing off how good was your life,everyone should have some privacy. I mean just don't be so obvious like,you're camwhoring because you want everyone to know how nice your clothes are,how materialize you are. Okay,stop discussing her.

Talk about love,ba-be.
I love you doesn't means that I will give you my love forever.
I think I should stop right now,by giving it to the others.
Date him,or not,date him or not!? Headache!
He asked me out. ODOKE!?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


It's going to be another year (2011) in no time! I hadn't planned anything yet. My result sucks,my life sucks! To be honest,I hate myself,I hate my life. I mean,what's the point of living?
No friends that will appreciate what I had done,even though when I'm down or moody,they still feel like laughing their ass out. The thing is I'm so sick of it,totally sick of it! Every time when we started a fight,what they thought of is,IT'S ALL MY FAULT. FML! Not to say that I dislike them,in fact,I hate them!
I felt so helpless.
My results sucks like shit! Although everyone said it's not that bad,but my opinion for my own results is,WHAT A SHIT. A few a's for me only,I expected for more,actually. Science and Maths,3 marks to A. I hate myself! I wonder if I had those 3 marks,I won't be so down right now. I want to graduate now,this instant! I had C for my chinese. I know you guys will think that I'm such a failure. My paper1 is normal,but my paper2 isn't. Paper1=32/40,Paper2=32/60
I'd tried my best,I already wrote about 1000 words for my essay,but I guess I'm not that good to deserve an A.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A nice day (:

Hmmmm,how should I start this post? It's about a day in primary school to have some fun since it's Children's day! Met some standard 6's cuties and teachers. *grins* (but some of the students seem like they hate us or what,showed that LC look of theirs) And then,I was like,'SAI MM SAI OH!?'
After enjoying all the shows,we felt bored,and we decided to have our breakfast (all of us haven't take our breakfast) Went to mamak,I ordered a bowl of maggie,but after it is done,I don't feel like eating it anymore *sob* Just after a little while,Darren joined us. He kept laughing at what I said,and IDK what's wrong with him *laughs*
Yeah,breakfast's over,time to rock! Went back to our primary school and have some fun. Called Kahfai to go to Mcd with us,since he's in Orange playing,we called him to go back asap. LOL. Kahfai,Lydia,Regina and I walked to Funok,and great,it's still on the 'close' board. Oh well,we decided to walk back and go to Mcd *giggles*
That very first plan of ours is take a cab and go home (Kahfai and I),but at last Lydia's mum fetched me home,and so do Kahfai's mum (:
I really wish that this year isn't going to end,forever. I had a lot of fun everyday except a few bad-day-cases.
with lots of love,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ah..give me a break.

I'm having the final test now. FML,stressed than ever. Today's subject is Maths,okay,I hate maths actually,but mum always force me to do all the activities in every book she bought. Phew,give me a break! I've succeed shooting 5 questions out of 7! LUCKY ME~
I wrote almost 900 words for my chinese essay. It's not easy to do that actually,but I just didn't done that on purposely *no offence* After I've done all of my essays,I realized I've already written too many nonsense. LOL!
Grandma finally landed on yesterday midnight. Oh,I've been missing for her like ages ago! (it's actually 3 months) Science is next. Gotta go,buh-bye.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy birthday,daddy!
10/10/10 is going to be a lucky day of yours and everyone *smiles*
Had dinner with family @SushiZen. Okay,it's a darn bloody full one.
We had a little celebration on the other day.

Does this consider a candid picture? *laughs*

I hate rare fish meats! But many of you guys love this a lot right?

Why is mum doing this pose over and over again? Weird..

OMFG! This baby shoe has a cute teddy bear on top of it!
So adorable!!! awwww..

Okay,and btw,I haven't bought the tickets yet. If you're doing online booking
you must have a credit card,and that's why I haven't bought it yet.
Both of my parents doesn't know I'm going to JYJ's showcase,if they do
they'll chop me into pieces man. FML. So,yeah,it's kinda getting on my nerves now,
more than that bloody final test. LOL!
So...wish me luck! I really wish I'll get to have those tickets,so badly.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

JYJ 得票很难买了,我帮你们买,只要你们陪我去都不行吗?
有一个更GENG,本来约了我跑去跟另一个男生去 -,-
如果有人看到我的BLOG想去的话,请留言 (虽然机会渺茫)
他们真的真的很难得来马来西亚,我为了没买到票而吃不安,睡不安 :(

Monday, October 4, 2010


Friday, October 1, 2010


Abandoned blog. I want to share a bad news here,someone,which is a so-not-close friend just backstap me and said that I use to hang out with a friend of mine,and said without my friend,I'm so not popular,not to mention popular but at least the others know that I'm studying the same school with them. I was like 'hey,listen. we're not even close friends,you don't have the right to say about me.' And I heard from my another close friend that she hates me and jealous of me. WTH!? What's her problem now!? Well,I'm not very close with her even we're classmates last time,and she told my friend that she's darn close with me. Obnoxious huh? She's such a riot!! I even quarrel with my friend. FML. Right,we're studying different schools now,but she's still talking about me. LOL. Why can't she just shut her fucking mouth and study!? (since she's a nerdy) She's trying to be like a LA-LA big sister,and she's not even close to it! *winks* Oh so what..slap me on the face punk,you can't do anything with it,you started it first. *my face shows up a devilish grin* Okay,seems like this post is not random at all,it's all about my obnoxious friend.

JYJ's coming live to Malaysia! I'm so confused whether what am I thinking,GO OR NOT. It's really getting on my nerves,I'm about to go crazy! It's really meaningless if it's just 3 of them in a group,but I bet I will change my mind if all of them are coming. *smiles*
Heard from the cassies that their still settling the lawsuit,if it's okay,Yunho will join JYJ,this is what she said. But apprently,I can't go and enjoy. *cries* but I bet I will think about it again and again. Plus,those ticket payment are killing me man! They're more than expensive,I still have many things to spend my money on and they're obviously urgent. That's all for today! Buh-bye,see you when I'm back from my hometown,Ipoh. :D

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Ma blog is shooo dead,updates!

Gathering with Mak,Junyi,Rainey,Cheyenne and Lydia. Most of them didn't change much *smile*
At first,we planned to watch Piranha,but then they check our IC you know,then forced to watch OLD COW VS TENDER GRASS. OMFG,this is the most fucking boring movie I've ever watched. It ends after an hour we got in!
Pffft,nothing much to say.
Those boys are really very retardants!
After watching that super bored movie,those boys went to Junyi's house and without informing us! FML. Dude,do you know how it feels? LOL
Mum fetch us home after her facial appointment,and Lydia followed us for dinner at Nihon Kai. Some pics coming,so stay tuned.

love this much!



Yucks,my face is darn chubby!

Sorry yeah,ma blog is dead for a couple weeks?
I'll blog more next time.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Awwww,i miss you,like so badly.

Please realised that I'm missing you right now. And I feel that I've been humiliated,by myself! LOL,dating with other guys? Nah. Just very confused should I date with him. Oh well,I think I should,just like friends will be just fine,am I right? HAHAHAA. Okay,this is not funny,and this is no joke,people! Whenever I think of him,I was like seriously frustrated. LOL. NEXT TOPIC! Which is my next FB profile pic? LMAO.
okay,back to the first topic. Last Sunday,went Neway with beloved Lydia,and I cried a lot that day. Every song I'm singing were like out of tune! I make up my mind,me and you,friends? *warm smile*
I know,I'm not your type of girl,but at least I'm still a 'lil sis' for you? I loved the way you care about me,like I'm actually your lil' sister or daughter. Pffft.

Third topic.
These days,Xuannie had been a good girl. She's passing up all her homework and projects. I think teacher is satisfied this time,if not,bullshit! I'm doing all these homework,and passed up all of them,which is a thing a won't do last time. But seems like Pn.Maria (BM teacher) is not satisfied with me and my crew. [She's checking the homework we just passed up,and she realised that my group didn't pass up any homework of hers. And guess what she said,'Ah,biasalah,memang tak hantar buku.' and I was like so freaked out! The fact is,we pass up the work earlier than the whole class were.] FML.
I'm so excited about our new classmate! He's studying with us next Monday. And I can't wait to meet him! TEEHEE. *yeah,yeah,I'm a flirty person,I know*
And I did heard from our class monitor that he likes to 'ponteng',and he's definitely a bad student.
LOL,I thought he's a noobie. FML.

Okay,that's all for today.
I'll blog more next time,buh-byeee! :D

Monday, August 16, 2010

an awesome new boy band.


this boy band is so talented!

not like those very-good-looking and nice bodies boy band.

(BEAST is an example,BEAST's lover please forgive me to say that :D,maybe what you like of BEAST is unlike me)

Now,finally,the most talented boy band (except TVXQ *laughs*) is given to....drum-roll please!!


although they're not very good-looking and owns a nice bodies,but at least they're well-prepared enough? Unlike other new boy bands,Infinite acts like as if they've been idols for years!


I'm not very sure whether they're a new band or not,if I'm mistaken please inform me,thanks *grins*

I'll blog more next time.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Why am I so emo nowadays?
All my friends say so,although I didn't admit that.
Finally solved the problem between me and my friends,I just told them,what you dislike in me,or you hate my behaviors,just tell me.
Be frank is always better than backstap right?
I hate friends that will talk abut my bad words behind me,or some of them just pissed me off man! They were like after I finished what I said,and they dislike it,they just whisper in front of me! Jeeshh,hello,a little respect here?
So,what I do is be frankly with them and ask them to say the truth.
OMG,a super duper fresh thing I heard is they say I like to flirt or something like that.
I was like,'huh,that's what you wanna say?'
I asked many people like am I a flirty person or not,their answer is no. I asked her why did she think that I'm a person like that,she say I used to be very crazy when I'm with them,and she said,I'm very shy when I'm with all those boys and some not-very-close friends.
OKAY,I post this is not I wanna quarrel whatever,is just that I wanna share this 'fresh' news to all of my friends (: to the girl that I'm talking about:please don't misunderstand ya. And last,I'm very happy that we're able to be friends again *smiles*

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Carnival day+outing with friends

Honestly,the carnival at our school isn't that fun as I thought and imagine.
If I'm not mistaken,Lydia and I ate pizza for our breakfast.
Then,had the a cup of bubble milk tea,too sweet I think? *giggles*
Went to support our class' game and A class' games.
I've met many old friends and other-school-friends *laugh stupidly?*
Right after the carnival,Cheyenne,Lydia and Jiamin came to my house and wait for me,until I've done bathing and doll up myself.
I don't even know what should I wear,so they suggested many clothes of mine.
But I kinda rejected them? *laughs*
Later,we called for a cab to send us to Times Square.
Okay,nothing much to shop,running out of time.
So,what we did is fooling around...HAHAHA!
Cheyenne and Jiamin were surprisingly chatting the whole day! (they used to be 'strangers' as I thought?)
Jiamin's mum fetch me and Cheyenne back home.
Once again,we DIDN'T ditched Lydia at Starbucks,we've been forced to go back,and she's been forced to stay and wait for her family for dinner. So,no choice!
That's our day

Do y'all feel like why my right eye is a bit of weird? Okay,admit it,I did did something to it. HAHA. As y'all know my eyes is weird,one is bigger than the other one,or should I say one is smaller than the other one?
Like this loads!!!!

Awwwwww,obviously she's more skinny and taller than me *sob*
and I look like a-totally-ATHLETE!
I did the same thing as the first pic with this pic *teehee*

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Okay,I'll just say it out loud for now.
Please,this is my blog,what I post about is none of your business and please don't ask about my 'love' things.
I'm so jealous with you,I learned that 'game' for so many years,and still I'm not the main player. And you,the new one,manage to be one of them. How could this be? The other players were like 'tsk,tsk.. you're the old ones still can't make it in the team.'
Although i didn't indicate what am I saying,but I guess you guys know what am I saying.
Some of 'them' like to stalk us,but nevermind,if they are really that desperate for my post,let them be!
Actually I really wanna give up,but if I don't go for training,.......(something will happen)

okay,that's all for today. btw,today I just went to Times square with Cheyenne,Lydia,Jiamin. We did had a great time.

Friday, July 23, 2010


Went to Leisure Mall with Lydia for a movie called 借室还魂
It's not very scary,honestly.
After the movie,we went to Gilly Cafe for lunch
I love this! Thanks,Lydia.

Checking out Y.G and epop.
Oooooo,serious Lydia and I.

Bought this blusher from Majorlica Majorca.

with Lydia,XOXO

Had a great day with Lydia at many places. *smiles*
At first her sista drive us to Pavillion. Then,we're bored of shopping at Pavillion,so what we did is walk to Times Square! What a foolish thought!
After a long way to Times Square (we haven't arrive yet),I finally can't take it anymore,we take a cab and straight away headed to Times Square and guess what,it only spend us a few bucks!
After a few hours at Times Square,we're bored. Then to Sungai Wang,shop for clothes. Fine,I didn't buy anything at Sungai Wang,all that stuff isn't what I want.
Went for 大头贴. The most annoying thing is we were both wearing lens! (that's why all my pictures have a very very big pupil)
Okay,I look obviously fat in this outfit. Lydia looks very sporty,and I'm too girly,I think.

When we're about to go home *still in a very excited mood*

Awwwwwww,I miss these.

after drinking this,coffee latte,i feel very dizzy and stomach ache!

credits to:Lydia

Sunday, July 18, 2010

finished editing all my blog stuffs!

hope y'all will like my new blogskin!

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Thursday, June 24, 2010

went to Neway with sis during holidays.
we had a great time?

i know why she won't let me take any photos, because she didn't wear any make up!!!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

a day at chinnwei's house.

sorry,i'm too lazy to type a word.
went to estine's house with Jiamin.


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