Happy birthday,daddy!
10/10/10 is going to be a lucky day of yours and everyone *smiles*
Had dinner with family @SushiZen. Okay,it's a darn bloody full one.
We had a little celebration on the other day.
Does this consider a candid picture? *laughs*
I hate rare fish meats! But many of you guys love this a lot right?
So adorable!!! awwww..
Okay,and btw,I haven't bought the tickets yet. If you're doing online booking
Okay,and btw,I haven't bought the tickets yet. If you're doing online booking
you must have a credit card,and that's why I haven't bought it yet.
Both of my parents doesn't know I'm going to JYJ's showcase,if they do
they'll chop me into pieces man. FML. So,yeah,it's kinda getting on my nerves now,
more than that bloody final test. LOL!
So...wish me luck! I really wish I'll get to have those tickets,so badly.
So...wish me luck! I really wish I'll get to have those tickets,so badly.
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