Wednesday, April 28, 2010
back to the old times..
i just swear to yuei last night that i won't buy anything of TVXQ's that worth 150 bucks and above..
starting to regret...
i really need that 500 disc!
but i can't ask money from my parents, or else they will kill me!
i can understand nobody can understand my feelings now..
but can't you just stop me from the temptation of the shop owner? haha
the shop owner said so many touching words.. like 'if you don't buy now, you have no chance to get it in the future, cause they've just DISBANDED!'
and some of the friends of yuei are such a big fan of TVXQ.
after they've known the bad news, they were like starting to like other singers, like JUSTIN BIEBER!
i'm very sad after she said all these
why nobody cares about them? even their fans? what a joke..
if all those fans don't support them, who will?
if a genie appear in front of me now, and she ask me to make just a wish, i will wish TVXQ won't disband forever and sing in front of me!
everybody thinks that i'm mad, insane...
but i don't care at all
i care what people thinks and said about me, but in this case, i won't care anything anymore
if in this case, i still care what the others thinks, then i'm sure i will just give up everything!
i really can't see them just disband and form a new group like this
i think our web must do anything for it
i'm frustrated now, hopeless, useless!
[TRANS] 100427 The 5th Anniversary of their Japan DebutAn Article
from a Japanese Blog
2010-04-27 10:39:31
Today, April 27 is the release date of their Japanese debut song "Stay with me tonight".
Only the members themselves should know their unsure and uncomfortable feelings when they were brought to Japan, where they could not understand the language.
They were able to pull through in a foreign country, because they loved to sing, and the 5 members were together…
They were only able to do their best in a blind effort 5 years ago.
They have obtained their whereabouts in Japan since they have done their best at that time.
We should not say that they should have taken another step, or, if they walked a different way…
I think we should not say those words….
I regret that I was not able to meet them in their debut days, but I think that it is my destiny that I was able to met them.
Though all the fans should differ when they first met them, all of us are the same place when it comes to feel the current themselves.
We tend to think that… we wanted to meet them at an earlier stage, but, we should be thankful that for the miracle that we were able to meet them……
We, the human beings, are greedy; we tend to think that we want to see them perform near us, be always by their side, want to meet them right now….
But, today may be a chance for us to look back on…Quietly look back of their 5 years, be thankful that we were able to find their songs, meet Tohoshinki, the wonderful vocal group, And that, through Tohoshinki, we were able to meet many friends…
So lets stop crying, thinking "The good olden days" or "Why are they in such a mess?"I think that they will be happy if we fans look back to their cute and young themselves, and smile together a lovely smile.
Their past will not fade away.
They are now on a little break, but they are surely in the present progressive form.
(Lol)I will name them TOHOSHINKING… How do you think of my naming ???? (Lol) Do you think it is funny? ^^(other sentences omitted)
Source: MY TREASURE (romi's blog)
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.comCredits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
after reading this, it's really very meaningful and touching for me. and i will try to believe them and be patient for waiting them to be together again.
Monday, April 26, 2010
就算只有0.01percent可以将他们从解散逃出,CASSIOPEIA 也愿意拼了!
东方神起,Dong Bang Shin Ki, Tohoshinki, Tong Vfang Xien Qi.
내가 동방신기를 사랑
내가 틀렸다고
가수 아주 열심히하고있다
첫째, 한국의 해산 문제,솔로 대일하려면, 지금은 그것이 가진 새로운 트리오를 설정할 수
동방신기, 한 적게 동방신기라고 않을
당신은 동방신기가의 해산에서 탈출할 수있다면
0.01percent 유일한 기회가있어, 카시오 페이아 자리는 싸우려고하는 경우에도
Sunday, April 25, 2010
i miss my friends
invited: Cheyenne, Biwen, Lydia<3,>
we've arrived Times square at 12.
shopped for awhile and have our lunch at Wendy, fast food.
bloody full~
our beautiful memories....
gosh~ starting to miss her now...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
volleyball practise+dinner-celebration
love it! but i just trained for about 1 hour.
so embarrassing!
everyone is watching me and a senior digging.
sighs.. two childish fella! haha! Li Shen's hair is tied by me! like it ~
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
we're chatting normally, like nothing just happen between us
i'm really happy when i woke up, and i felt like sleeping again, cause i will hope me dream will be continued.
but i think it won't.
i was realy happy when i was chatting with you (in my dream)
just be friends, is it okay for you?
i miss you so much!
Friday, April 9, 2010
whenever i honestly tell it, something's gonna happen for sure..
Thursday, April 8, 2010
oh my god! this TB is damn good-looking for a guy.
really, so cute!
ahhhh~ falling for him xD
make sure you don't miss this.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
back to the old times..
i just swear to yuei last night that i won't buy anything of TVXQ's that worth 150 bucks and above..
starting to regret...
i really need that 500 disc!
but i can't ask money from my parents, or else they will kill me!
i can understand nobody can understand my feelings now..
but can't you just stop me from the temptation of the shop owner? haha
the shop owner said so many touching words.. like 'if you don't buy now, you have no chance to get it in the future, cause they've just DISBANDED!'
and some of the friends of yuei are such a big fan of TVXQ.
after they've known the bad news, they were like starting to like other singers, like JUSTIN BIEBER!
i'm very sad after she said all these
why nobody cares about them? even their fans? what a joke..
if all those fans don't support them, who will?
if a genie appear in front of me now, and she ask me to make just a wish, i will wish TVXQ won't disband forever and sing in front of me!
everybody thinks that i'm mad, insane...
but i don't care at all
i care what people thinks and said about me, but in this case, i won't care anything anymore
if in this case, i still care what the others thinks, then i'm sure i will just give up everything!
i really can't see them just disband and form a new group like this
i think our web must do anything for it
i'm frustrated now, hopeless, useless!
[TRANS] 100427 The 5th Anniversary of their Japan DebutAn Article
from a Japanese Blog
2010-04-27 10:39:31
Today, April 27 is the release date of their Japanese debut song "Stay with me tonight".
Only the members themselves should know their unsure and uncomfortable feelings when they were brought to Japan, where they could not understand the language.
They were able to pull through in a foreign country, because they loved to sing, and the 5 members were together…
They were only able to do their best in a blind effort 5 years ago.
They have obtained their whereabouts in Japan since they have done their best at that time.
We should not say that they should have taken another step, or, if they walked a different way…
I think we should not say those words….
I regret that I was not able to meet them in their debut days, but I think that it is my destiny that I was able to met them.
Though all the fans should differ when they first met them, all of us are the same place when it comes to feel the current themselves.
We tend to think that… we wanted to meet them at an earlier stage, but, we should be thankful that for the miracle that we were able to meet them……
We, the human beings, are greedy; we tend to think that we want to see them perform near us, be always by their side, want to meet them right now….
But, today may be a chance for us to look back on…Quietly look back of their 5 years, be thankful that we were able to find their songs, meet Tohoshinki, the wonderful vocal group, And that, through Tohoshinki, we were able to meet many friends…
So lets stop crying, thinking "The good olden days" or "Why are they in such a mess?"I think that they will be happy if we fans look back to their cute and young themselves, and smile together a lovely smile.
Their past will not fade away.
They are now on a little break, but they are surely in the present progressive form.
(Lol)I will name them TOHOSHINKING… How do you think of my naming ???? (Lol) Do you think it is funny? ^^(other sentences omitted)
Source: MY TREASURE (romi's blog)
Translation: smiley @ OneTVXQ.comCredits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!
after reading this, it's really very meaningful and touching for me. and i will try to believe them and be patient for waiting them to be together again.
Monday, April 26, 2010
就算只有0.01percent可以将他们从解散逃出,CASSIOPEIA 也愿意拼了!
东方神起,Dong Bang Shin Ki, Tohoshinki, Tong Vfang Xien Qi.
내가 동방신기를 사랑
내가 틀렸다고
가수 아주 열심히하고있다
첫째, 한국의 해산 문제,솔로 대일하려면, 지금은 그것이 가진 새로운 트리오를 설정할 수
동방신기, 한 적게 동방신기라고 않을
당신은 동방신기가의 해산에서 탈출할 수있다면
0.01percent 유일한 기회가있어, 카시오 페이아 자리는 싸우려고하는 경우에도
Sunday, April 25, 2010
i miss my friends
invited: Cheyenne, Biwen, Lydia<3,>
we've arrived Times square at 12.
shopped for awhile and have our lunch at Wendy, fast food.
bloody full~
our beautiful memories....
gosh~ starting to miss her now...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
volleyball practise+dinner-celebration
love it! but i just trained for about 1 hour.
so embarrassing!
everyone is watching me and a senior digging.
sighs.. two childish fella! haha! Li Shen's hair is tied by me! like it ~
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
we're chatting normally, like nothing just happen between us
i'm really happy when i woke up, and i felt like sleeping again, cause i will hope me dream will be continued.
but i think it won't.
i was realy happy when i was chatting with you (in my dream)
just be friends, is it okay for you?
i miss you so much!
Friday, April 9, 2010
whenever i honestly tell it, something's gonna happen for sure..
Thursday, April 8, 2010
oh my god! this TB is damn good-looking for a guy.
really, so cute!
ahhhh~ falling for him xD
make sure you don't miss this.