Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Had a wonderful day out with the girls! We had lunch at Shabu One,Lot 10.

Wow,I'm impressed by ourselves,I didn't expect we can eat that much,yeah I think it's because of there's a rule,which is DON'T WASTE FOOD,THEY'LL CHARGE 5 BUCKS FOR EVERY 100GRAMS OF FOOD. Like so damn expensive LOL. And we ACCIDENTALLY took too much of food. HHAHAHAHAH. After lunch,we walked to Sg.Wang to do a little shopping :P

But we didn't find something suitable for us,yeah,so disappointed,mmm. After that,we rushed back for the epic movie 'You're the apple of my eye'. Wow,that movie was great! Hilarious and romantic! Won't even get bored if you have watched twice. *two hands thumbs up* That male lead actor's so hot! TALL AND GOOD LOOKING,I WAS LIKE WHICH GIRL WON'T FALL FOR HIM LOL

Oh yeah,and I've pierced my ear,the upper part. It doesn't hurt much as I expected,after a few hours you wouldn't even feel a thing. I swear. HAHAHA,but I have to admit it might hurt a few hours,the feeling is like fire is burning your ear,that's all. 

I know right,I'm ugly,god why can't I just pose properly.



Carmen Tan

You can find various types of food here,and I can't 
eat any seafood. Luckily I hate to eat seafood.

What the,I can't believe someone would take 
a candid picture of me

3 of us!

I asked my friend to take a picture of my piercing.

Yeah I know I know,I'm the shortest.

Another shot HAHAHAH

Silly silly :@

@LRT station 

Last,here's that good looking male lead actor.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Things that are bothering me.

I haven't been blogging for 2 months already! OMG! God,I was not busy for the past 2 months,just don't feel like blogging,although I have tons to say,but I don't know how to express myself. Well,I guess I need to work hard on that. Yeah,I'm still that same old me. And I hate it. I'm always acting weird,and after that 'weird thing' I did,I will immediately regret and starting to act normal,but it turns out worse. Sometimes when I'm too friendly,it'll became obnoxious or hateful. Hmm,I wonder why..but sometimes I just keep my mouth shut,people will be like 'look at her,she's so unfriendly,who do she thinks she is'. Hey,I'm just trying to be friendly,but I think it's a little over,so I kept my mouth shut,and then you people still wanna comment on that. Is there any problem being weird!? I'm weird,but I'm extraordinary,you guys are like some passerby.

GIRLS. The meanest kind living on earth. Some girls are like so flirty,and some best girl friends can be very mean by using their flirtatious to kept the one you like spinning all the way round for them. They will have priorities for everything. I just don't get it,what if we're not flirty enough? You know,flirt with other guys will make yourself CHEAP. I guess you know what's the meaning of CHEAP. If you wanna give stupid excuses such as 'I'm just trying to be friendly with the guys',just go ahead! :D I'm just suggesting you for not being so flirty for all the time. ALL THE TIME.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We,human,is a kind of weird 'object',do ya think? Hmmm,there's many kinds of relationships between humans. Love,between friends,we had love. Between lovers,we had love. All of us had love and been loved,right? Now,I'm officially single. I'm never bored of being single,but since all my friends had a boyfriend or girlfriend,yeah,I'm sick of being single. It's not possible to find a random guy and be your boyfriend,it needs to be a person that you love. In my case,I really can't find a guy that won't betray and owns a sincere heart. If you expose the desperate side of yours,people will say that you're cheap.If you hide what you feel,you will never get something you want. Am I right?

In my case,I just can't forget someone easily. Eventually,the only phrase that suit me,still,is Forgive and Forget. Just get over that 'someone' who keeps holding you back,and keep moving on. These days,I've met a guy and he'd treated me like great? You know,when the feel's not there,then nothing seems to be right. Sometimes I even felt like throwing up when I'm replying him. Gosh..I feel bad to say this. Even worse,I even reply him reluctantly,like he's sort of annoying. I tried to get rid of these feelings,but I really tried very hard,and I still can't do it. I'm so tired already,when school ends all my friends very like walking with their boyfriend and only me,being the lightbulb. Wtf. Okay,Foong Yien Xuan,keep moving on,you'll meet the right guy. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Save the earth!

Hey,readers,do you know that our earth is in big trouble? Air pollutions,lack of clean water for human to drink,the weathers change unpredictably and so much more are the dilemmas we're about to face. Air pollutants can cause us with many disease,such as skin cancer,lung cancer and so on. There's a phrase that change my bad habit as wasting water,quote don't let your tears to be the last drop of water. This phrase is epic! Well,guys,there's no disadvantage of being a green lover. (just don't be too psycho) So,here are the pictures and problems that we used to neglect.

Can you believe it? Imagine how you live in this smoky city!

OMG! What's your problem,people? Do you think that the rivers are your trash can? The rivers are the fishes' home too! Imagine you're living in a place full of rubbish! 

People,imagine how you live on top of thin,melting ice. There's a story I heard about polar bears. 'There's a polar bear searching food for it's cub. Mama polar bear ask the cub to stay right there and mama went to swim over and search for food. Mama polar bear swam too far,and can't reach to the other ice land and mama polar bear died.' Isn't it pity? We're guilty!

Awwww,poor thing.

This harp seal sure knows how to act innocent! Hahahah. 
I hope I've changed your mind and your doings. Cause reading all these changed my mind and doings too! 

(sorry,all these pictures are too blur.)
pics resource:Google.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wish list.

So here's my wish list..or you can say it's a to-do-list

1. my hair will be as straight as possible and grow faster please. 
2. pair of converse. 
3. a semi-pro camera,it's kinda urgent.
4. don't spend so much,or even better,save up for the things I want as a habit.
5. get better academic grades.
6. improve my scales and skills to accomplish my grade 7 piano test for this coming April.
7. have better relationships with anyone :)
8. get rid of everything or everyone that will make me unhappy.
9. get to know some new targets,maybe? Heh. 
10. be a stylish girl ;) 
11. try to earn money,like for the first time. Or,daddy will give me more to spend? 
12. last,have a happier life.

I hope I didn't left out any wish. 
I hope I can fulfill all of my wishes as soon as possible. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Twilight Madness ♥

I'm so in love with Twilight these days. I know I'm such a lame-o (that lame-o sounds kinda weird),but I'm that kind of person which is hard to have interest in anything. Somehow,I realised that Twilight is some kind of movie I can addict to? Hahaha. Okay I'm speechless. And the other thing is,I seriously don't know which team should I join. Edward or Jacob? Done with the confusions. I think I might join Team Edward ♥ 
Kristen Stewart is dating Robert Pattinson for real,then why aren't they like real couples? I think they're not dating each other for real,I think they just want to promote for their movie :'(

See? You know what I meant? They're perfect match

But Jacob is not bad also,OMG. He's hot too

Aren't you guys excited about Breaking Dawn!? OMG,I want it to show now like so badly! November...
I think I'll die from not enough patience. God! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another outing! Hahaha,I think it's the main reason why we enjoy holiday. :D
I'm grateful that Junyi skipped school and come out and play with us @Midvalley! Oh,the attendants were Lydia,Junyi,Mak and Rainey. It's been a long time from the last time I saw Rainey. LOL. Apparently,we went for Laser Tag. It's really addictive. So we bought 3 missions instead of 1,but it cost quite a lot,not to mean a lot,but not worth it :/

FYI,I'm bad at games. Hmmm,I think I'm the only loser there,and my scores are always the lowest :( MY NAME IS WARRIOR. (The clothes thingy had names on each of it) I'M SO GOING BACK AGAIN WITH THE CREW! HAHAHAHAAA!
After Midvalley,went back to Junyi's place. The boys are busy swimming,while Lydia and I are busy gaming and chit-chatting.

I can't take photos when I'm gaming,so I took photos while we're having a briefing about the game instead.

I keep on trying new flavor these days. Cause I'm scared of the rumors about Chatime is poisonous too. (But the 'bubble' thingy is the only thing that is poisonous though) Btw,this flavor is quite refreshing.

Lydia is busy playing with the game called Cut The Rope. Hahahaha,cute froggie. We sure gossiped a lot,I miss you ;(

New bangs! In case you didn't notice,heh. (Btw,I realised that I didn't capture my new bangs in this photo) LOL

I'm shooting photo so hard now when I'm going out,just for my blog.
I've never been like this before....
Oh well,I think it's kinda positive right?
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Had a wonderful day out with the girls! We had lunch at Shabu One,Lot 10.

Wow,I'm impressed by ourselves,I didn't expect we can eat that much,yeah I think it's because of there's a rule,which is DON'T WASTE FOOD,THEY'LL CHARGE 5 BUCKS FOR EVERY 100GRAMS OF FOOD. Like so damn expensive LOL. And we ACCIDENTALLY took too much of food. HHAHAHAHAH. After lunch,we walked to Sg.Wang to do a little shopping :P

But we didn't find something suitable for us,yeah,so disappointed,mmm. After that,we rushed back for the epic movie 'You're the apple of my eye'. Wow,that movie was great! Hilarious and romantic! Won't even get bored if you have watched twice. *two hands thumbs up* That male lead actor's so hot! TALL AND GOOD LOOKING,I WAS LIKE WHICH GIRL WON'T FALL FOR HIM LOL

Oh yeah,and I've pierced my ear,the upper part. It doesn't hurt much as I expected,after a few hours you wouldn't even feel a thing. I swear. HAHAHA,but I have to admit it might hurt a few hours,the feeling is like fire is burning your ear,that's all. 

I know right,I'm ugly,god why can't I just pose properly.



Carmen Tan

You can find various types of food here,and I can't 
eat any seafood. Luckily I hate to eat seafood.

What the,I can't believe someone would take 
a candid picture of me

3 of us!

I asked my friend to take a picture of my piercing.

Yeah I know I know,I'm the shortest.

Another shot HAHAHAH

Silly silly :@

@LRT station 

Last,here's that good looking male lead actor.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Things that are bothering me.

I haven't been blogging for 2 months already! OMG! God,I was not busy for the past 2 months,just don't feel like blogging,although I have tons to say,but I don't know how to express myself. Well,I guess I need to work hard on that. Yeah,I'm still that same old me. And I hate it. I'm always acting weird,and after that 'weird thing' I did,I will immediately regret and starting to act normal,but it turns out worse. Sometimes when I'm too friendly,it'll became obnoxious or hateful. Hmm,I wonder why..but sometimes I just keep my mouth shut,people will be like 'look at her,she's so unfriendly,who do she thinks she is'. Hey,I'm just trying to be friendly,but I think it's a little over,so I kept my mouth shut,and then you people still wanna comment on that. Is there any problem being weird!? I'm weird,but I'm extraordinary,you guys are like some passerby.

GIRLS. The meanest kind living on earth. Some girls are like so flirty,and some best girl friends can be very mean by using their flirtatious to kept the one you like spinning all the way round for them. They will have priorities for everything. I just don't get it,what if we're not flirty enough? You know,flirt with other guys will make yourself CHEAP. I guess you know what's the meaning of CHEAP. If you wanna give stupid excuses such as 'I'm just trying to be friendly with the guys',just go ahead! :D I'm just suggesting you for not being so flirty for all the time. ALL THE TIME.  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


We,human,is a kind of weird 'object',do ya think? Hmmm,there's many kinds of relationships between humans. Love,between friends,we had love. Between lovers,we had love. All of us had love and been loved,right? Now,I'm officially single. I'm never bored of being single,but since all my friends had a boyfriend or girlfriend,yeah,I'm sick of being single. It's not possible to find a random guy and be your boyfriend,it needs to be a person that you love. In my case,I really can't find a guy that won't betray and owns a sincere heart. If you expose the desperate side of yours,people will say that you're cheap.If you hide what you feel,you will never get something you want. Am I right?

In my case,I just can't forget someone easily. Eventually,the only phrase that suit me,still,is Forgive and Forget. Just get over that 'someone' who keeps holding you back,and keep moving on. These days,I've met a guy and he'd treated me like great? You know,when the feel's not there,then nothing seems to be right. Sometimes I even felt like throwing up when I'm replying him. Gosh..I feel bad to say this. Even worse,I even reply him reluctantly,like he's sort of annoying. I tried to get rid of these feelings,but I really tried very hard,and I still can't do it. I'm so tired already,when school ends all my friends very like walking with their boyfriend and only me,being the lightbulb. Wtf. Okay,Foong Yien Xuan,keep moving on,you'll meet the right guy. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Save the earth!

Hey,readers,do you know that our earth is in big trouble? Air pollutions,lack of clean water for human to drink,the weathers change unpredictably and so much more are the dilemmas we're about to face. Air pollutants can cause us with many disease,such as skin cancer,lung cancer and so on. There's a phrase that change my bad habit as wasting water,quote don't let your tears to be the last drop of water. This phrase is epic! Well,guys,there's no disadvantage of being a green lover. (just don't be too psycho) So,here are the pictures and problems that we used to neglect.

Can you believe it? Imagine how you live in this smoky city!

OMG! What's your problem,people? Do you think that the rivers are your trash can? The rivers are the fishes' home too! Imagine you're living in a place full of rubbish! 

People,imagine how you live on top of thin,melting ice. There's a story I heard about polar bears. 'There's a polar bear searching food for it's cub. Mama polar bear ask the cub to stay right there and mama went to swim over and search for food. Mama polar bear swam too far,and can't reach to the other ice land and mama polar bear died.' Isn't it pity? We're guilty!

Awwww,poor thing.

This harp seal sure knows how to act innocent! Hahahah. 
I hope I've changed your mind and your doings. Cause reading all these changed my mind and doings too! 

(sorry,all these pictures are too blur.)
pics resource:Google.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wish list.

So here's my wish list..or you can say it's a to-do-list

1. my hair will be as straight as possible and grow faster please. 
2. pair of converse. 
3. a semi-pro camera,it's kinda urgent.
4. don't spend so much,or even better,save up for the things I want as a habit.
5. get better academic grades.
6. improve my scales and skills to accomplish my grade 7 piano test for this coming April.
7. have better relationships with anyone :)
8. get rid of everything or everyone that will make me unhappy.
9. get to know some new targets,maybe? Heh. 
10. be a stylish girl ;) 
11. try to earn money,like for the first time. Or,daddy will give me more to spend? 
12. last,have a happier life.

I hope I didn't left out any wish. 
I hope I can fulfill all of my wishes as soon as possible. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Twilight Madness ♥

I'm so in love with Twilight these days. I know I'm such a lame-o (that lame-o sounds kinda weird),but I'm that kind of person which is hard to have interest in anything. Somehow,I realised that Twilight is some kind of movie I can addict to? Hahaha. Okay I'm speechless. And the other thing is,I seriously don't know which team should I join. Edward or Jacob? Done with the confusions. I think I might join Team Edward ♥ 
Kristen Stewart is dating Robert Pattinson for real,then why aren't they like real couples? I think they're not dating each other for real,I think they just want to promote for their movie :'(

See? You know what I meant? They're perfect match

But Jacob is not bad also,OMG. He's hot too

Aren't you guys excited about Breaking Dawn!? OMG,I want it to show now like so badly! November...
I think I'll die from not enough patience. God! 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Another outing! Hahaha,I think it's the main reason why we enjoy holiday. :D
I'm grateful that Junyi skipped school and come out and play with us @Midvalley! Oh,the attendants were Lydia,Junyi,Mak and Rainey. It's been a long time from the last time I saw Rainey. LOL. Apparently,we went for Laser Tag. It's really addictive. So we bought 3 missions instead of 1,but it cost quite a lot,not to mean a lot,but not worth it :/

FYI,I'm bad at games. Hmmm,I think I'm the only loser there,and my scores are always the lowest :( MY NAME IS WARRIOR. (The clothes thingy had names on each of it) I'M SO GOING BACK AGAIN WITH THE CREW! HAHAHAHAAA!
After Midvalley,went back to Junyi's place. The boys are busy swimming,while Lydia and I are busy gaming and chit-chatting.

I can't take photos when I'm gaming,so I took photos while we're having a briefing about the game instead.

I keep on trying new flavor these days. Cause I'm scared of the rumors about Chatime is poisonous too. (But the 'bubble' thingy is the only thing that is poisonous though) Btw,this flavor is quite refreshing.

Lydia is busy playing with the game called Cut The Rope. Hahahaha,cute froggie. We sure gossiped a lot,I miss you ;(

New bangs! In case you didn't notice,heh. (Btw,I realised that I didn't capture my new bangs in this photo) LOL

I'm shooting photo so hard now when I'm going out,just for my blog.
I've never been like this before....
Oh well,I think it's kinda positive right?
Stay tuned.

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